Collection: Paradigm Pro® Elite Kettlebell Collection - 33mm Handle Diameter

Paradigm Pro® Elite Kettlebells

Superior Performance, Durability, Balance, & Feel

Available in 33mm Handle Diameters

Competition kettlebell dimensions (base width, height, bell diameter, handle diameter, window size and opening) always stay the same regardless of weight so that you never have to change you technique as you go up or down in weight.

The most well balanced competition kettlebell design on the market that places more of the weight at the upper portion of the kettlebell where the handle and bell meet rather than at the bottom as in traditional filler type competition kettlebells. Kettlebells USA® introduced the first “hollow core” competition kettlebell to N. America in June 2014 with the Paradigm Pro® Elite line. This revolutionary Inner Core Technology™ competition kettlebell design has since been copied but never equaled.

Choose from either 33mm handle diameters - both types are exactly the same dimensions except for the handle diameter. The window opening has been engineered to allow for quick and easy hand insertion and is not too big or too small like other sport kettlebell designs currently on the market. All Paradigm Pro® Elite kettlebells can be used for "fitness" or "girevoy sport" lifting.

Paradigm Pro® Elite Kettlebell Collection Features :

  • Manufactured under strict ISO 9001 quality control using the most advanced metal casting techniques available
  • Single cast using leading edge gravity die cast technology - no seams, casting burrs, welded handles, welded bases or weak spots
  • High tensile strength steel used throughout the entire kettlebell ***6 kg is made of high tensile strength Aluminum alloy***
  • Each kettlebell is made to the highest tolerances in the industry Exclusive Inner Core Technology™ (hollow core) means no rattle from loose filler
  • Regulation 33mm handle diameters available - designed for use with or without chalk
  • Handles are uncoated, bare metal so need for paint stripping or prepping
  • Handle absorbs & holds chalk faster and better than other competition kettlebells on the market
  • Improved handle geometry for higher reps
  • Optimized window opening for quick & efficient hand insertion & exit; not too big or small like other competition kettlebell designs
  • Greater distribution of steel towards the top of the bell results in the most well balanced kettlebell on the market - engineered for maximum efficiency
  • Meets all Kettlebell Sport Competition Standards including GSU, AKA, IUKL & IKFF competition standards
  • The Official Kettlebell of The Ice Chamber Kettlebell Girls Team - the most medalled kettlebell sport team in the western hemisphere!
  • Can be used for kettlebell sport and fitness lifting
  • Regulation colors
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